The town code includes regulations about many things that affect us including short-term rentals; building size and construction, noise; our visible environment including signs, lighting and dark skies; RV, trailer and boat storage; landscaping and dumpsters. Code compliance and enforcement (or lack of it) often comes up in our community meetings. It impacts many of the things that recent surveys say we value. Learn how code enforcement works and some ways it might be improved, and your role in ensuring compliance and enforcement.

Presenter: Margaret Steinbugler is vice-president of the Southold Peconic Civic Association. Prior to her retirement she was Director, of Materials/Structures at Pratt & Whitney. She holds BS in Engineering and MS in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering degrees from Princeton University. Hosted by the Orient Association and the East Marion Civic Association.

Happening Now

The Zoning Project Update – March 3, 2024

The Zoning Project Update – March 3, 2024

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Plum Island National Monument Act – Congressional Testimony

Plum Island National Monument Act – Congressional Testimony

The Preserve Plum Island Coalition (PPIC), via Save the Sound, submitted the attached testimony on H.R. 1584, the Plum Island National Monument Act, and then gave a quick 5-minute summary of the testimony at the House Natural Resources Committee’s Federal Lands Subcommittee hearing on March 7, 2024.
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