Announcing a new addition to the OA BOARD
The Orient Association is pleased to announce that Emily Caufield has agreed to join our Board of Directors.
Emily grew up spending summers in Orient and has recently returned as a full-time resident with her husband and three kids. She is active on the Oysterponds PTA and is embarking on the renovation of a house on Oysterponds Lane.
An award-winning graphic designer and illustrator, Emily is currently the Creative Director for the Future Today Institute where she helps communicate complex ideas, visualize data, and develop frameworks for use in strategic foresight and futures activities.

Take the Survey – Deadline this Sunday!
In 2016 the residents of Orient were polled and the results were used to create the Orient Plan. The Orient Association has been using this plan to determine where we should focus our efforts. One issue that concerned both our community and the residents of the other hamlets, was house size. OA and the other civic associations have been working with the Town for over a year on amendments to the zoning code that will limit house size.
We want to know what the current priorities are. The Orient Association is looking to the current survey to see where to focus our efforts next. The survey can be found here.

Come to the Deer Management Forum!
Pest Management was another topic that was a priority in 2016 and is still a problem today. The Orient Association is hosting a Deer Management Forum on Saturday, August 13th at 9:30 am in Poquatuck Hall. The guest speakers will be:
- Greg Doroski- Town Board Member and Liaison to the Deer Management Task Force
- Craig Jobes- Southold Town Environmental Analyst in charge of the hunting program and de facto member of the Deer Management Task Force
- Arnold Blair- Nassau Point Property Owners Association Deer Committee and member of the Town Deer Management Task Force.
Find out what the Town is doing to control the deer population and see what you can do to help!
- Learn about the rules and regulations that control hunting methods in Southold.
- Learn about the program in Nassau Point where the homeowners got together to implement a hunting program that has helped to control the deer population.
- Learn about what is possible in your community.

Our new website has launched!
The Orient Association has a beautiful new website! There are new links and resources related to issues of concern to the Orient Community.
Find out about upcoming Events!
Links to Community websites!
Check out the new information on these topics:
- Historic Preservation- including a tutorial on the State website, where you can find out more about every historic structure in Orient.
- Land Preservation and Development- map of preserved land and links to pending development proposals.
- Pest Management- Deer and Ticks
- Pest Management- Invasive Species
- Septic Grants- updated information
- Water- find out the latest on the Orient Water Study
- Plum Island- stay up to date
Please let us know if there is content that you would like to see added to our website.
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