Want to find out about Orient’s Historic District? Looking for detailed information about a specific property? Look no further than New York State’s Cultural Resource Information System: https://cris.parks.ny.gov

Only properties on the Southold Landmarks List are subject to review by the Historic Preservation Commission

Here’s how to navigate:

  1. Go to the CRIS website: https://cris.parks.ny.gov
  2. Agree to the “Disclaimer”
  3. Click on “Proceed as Guest”
  4. Click on “Search” at the top of the page
  5. Click on the “Spatial” tab
  6. Using “Option B” type in the address you’re interested in and click “Search”
  7. A map containing the address you searched for appears
  8. Click on a property and click “View” to see the details of that property
  9. Click on the yellow and black boxes and then click on “inventory form” (upper right) to see photos and history

Review the slideshow below to see these steps graphically.

CRIS Tutorial

Proceed As Guest


Spatial Search

Search for an Address

View Map

Get Details About a Property

View Property Details

Southold Town also maintains a list of Historic addresses: http://southoldtownny.gov/DocumentCenter/View/6073/HT_Registry-101817?bidId=

Recent Happenings

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State Of The Bays 2024

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Annual Meeting June 2024

Annual Meeting June 2024

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